Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Media Transformation - Blog-woe-sphere

With the not-so-pleasant experiences with shopkeepers for they dont treat you with the expected consideration, with economists for leveraging exorbitant taxes on what you meagerly earn, with bus services for the presumptuous attitude for not providing you seats they promised, with unworthy traffic policemen for catching you and making a quick buck out of no mistake of yours along with surmounted harassment... The list of woes is a never-ending one.
Each time this happens, I've always wanted to go back home and write to the media, and make aware people, but countered it with the easy going nature of indian editors who manage the editorials column for biased political issues!

Sharath, apparently has kicked out the misconception by being acknowledged by Shashi Tharoor! I'm inspired to put in all my woes and issues out here, and punch in a few well-known names for them to get recognized!
Peek in here for the most published article for this day on reddit