Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Indulgence Helps

It's been a while since I've worked sincerely, and this honest confession I wudn't make in front of my boss. Perhaps, my priorities were different, perhaps, I didn't want to work, perhaps, Orkut was that big an excuse!!

Distraction and dillusion are rather cognitive pests that rupture productivity and lot of business as well. Maturity is a cat-call then, and thats why these aren't accounted for during the estimates that are prepared during task scheduling.
I'm out of it, trying new things, the way they should be, rugged and dedicated!! I'm counting on every move I make, and every breath I take!! An involuted messaih has cradled a desire to display social ethics and determination!!
I'm glad the awakening happened this early, I shouldn't be complacent though...

1 comment:

Vogon Interpreter!! said...

cat-call it sure is... hehehe ;)
im glad the awakening happened..im still waiting for my lightning bolt... hope it strikes soon... until then its Orkut and F1... someday i will rid these vices and work.. :)