The chill in the air does get to you, and your continual tempestuous attitude is frozen.
Does it happen to all around the world? but it certainly does to me.
I've been numb for a while, contemplating within, about the things i intend to do.
I shall blog something interesting soon... Procrastination continued...
Friday, January 25, 2008
Living Cold in the Cold
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
The common man target - I'm Lovin It!
The common man is THE target for all marketing strategies these days.
First there was McDonalds 20 Rs. burger, that reached the common man, with glossy ads and umpteen faces. Well, you might end up spending more after reaching an outlet but then again, you have an option to constrict your wallet. Though not very healthy, it is certainly very appealing.
Then there was Deccan airways with RK. Laxman's common man mascot dragging crowds from all over the ruralest of India. The service was well appreciated by the masses until King [Fisher] Mallya decided its not very good for itself. But then again, the common man appeal.
And then, there is the Tata Rs. 1 Lakh car, that has caught quite a worldwide eye. Yet to be released but certainly well awaited. The common man appeal yet again.
And now it's laptops, that are being driven towards the common man. Recently Allied Computers idea-stormed to come up with a Rs. 15,000 laptop.
The common man must be very happy for things are very well in reach for him, but what does categorise this common man is a step-back thought. The common man classification would consider that most part of the population would fall under that category. Now this maybe a vague ideology but may stand out to say that these are the most dynamic part of the population. Allegedly, if this sect does consider participating in economic and social reforms it wouldn't help really much to the economic stand of the country as a whole.
Issue apart, for products marketing officials this group is certainly the main target. From, burgers, to laptops, to air tickets, they do have the purchasing power and they are interested.
3:53 PM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Humble Descent
The tiff between India and Australia off the field seems to have caught much an eye than the sultry test matches! Perhaps, for a reason other than the unperceptive, witless umpire decisions!
A descent that has been considered disgraceful, and for even more with a stronger familiarity. Symmonds who anyone at a first glance would have been staunched as one perhaps has had more occassions being called so.
This Australian strategy will certainly drive them to succumb to their animal races very soon!
3:40 AM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Benazir, the debacle
Its been close to 2 weeks since the assasination of Benazir Bhutto, and thus far, there has been no concrete statement of the leader's death.
The assasination certainly needs condemnation but alongside she has gloriously announed as one the greatest leaders. She was indeed a voice of democracy, but was she a democrat for the people is a question that would always remain.
This article published by a known columnist William Dalrymple points out the political unjust arose during Benazir's rule. Allegations involve being sacked as Prime Minister twice on grounds of corruption, involvement in the assasination of kin Murtaza, and several other money-laundering activities. Weirdly, on an ethically economic perspective, the Bhutto's hailed from sounds backgrounds and were inclined towards the welfare of the country, but to news as that, it seems quite insane to loot the treasure of an economy which is barely trying to breathe. The paradoxical ingenuinity seems to call for pity. Further, even satirically, she was invited by Prez. Mush to get into a coalition so as to hang in with power. An attempt of one offender hiding another's stinking arse!
On the flip side, it was surprising to notice that Pakistani economy had been doing quite well, despite all these mishaps and uneven ruling. Yes, they are known to be a nuclear weapon armed nation and religiously well stood but to mark a growth of 7% for the last 6 years is indeed outstanding, that too without complete democracy!
Gravely, I do mourn for the death of a person as any other, and do hope that Pakistan will come out of its miseries and bring stability in its economy at the earliest!
- Friendly neighbour!